Je Suis Charlie. It’s a phrase in every newspaper, in every Twitter feed, on demonstrations in cities across Europe. The expressions of solidarity with those slain in the […]
How fragile the belief of a Muslim must be if he feels threatened by a stupid caricature in a weekly satirical newspaper?
It is possible to defend the right to obscene and racist speech without promoting or sponsoring the content of that speech. It is possible to approve of sacrilege […]
If you’re the paper of record, if you’re the highest exemplar of American journalism, if you expect others to stand by your journalists when they are threatened, if […]
When religion overlaps with social and political issues, it’s necessary to fight back, so Charlie is equally hard on Jews including anti-semitic caricatures and quotes when talking about […]
I feel compelled – sometimes pressured – to tweet stories of the religious identity of the officer who died saving the lives of journalists in France. Why? Why […]
Comics is a language, and style within that language is like accent and grammar and inflection and, well, damn near everything else an actor might use to convey […]
Creating a movie or a book or a comic, it’s not a mathematical equation. 2 plus 2 doesn’t always equal 4. It can equal 0 or a hundred. […]
My job search has always been done by attitude. So-and-so got a job drawing some album covers, I called the 20 or so bands I knew and askedif […]
It’s been my experience that the economy has very little effect on an artist as long as he-she doesn’t fall into the trap of relying on clients to […]
The economics of comics is bad, no other entertainment form has increased in price adjusting for inflation harder than comics. It’s $3.99 right now for a comic. Which […]
100 million dollars – that’s what they spent on the Watchmen film which nearly didn’t come out because of the lawsuit, that’s what they spent on The League […]