QuotesOnComics.com, run and curated by Paulo Patrício, is exactly what its name says it is: a website with random quotes on comics, some hilarious, some dead serious, others thought-provoking, but all stimulating and thoroughly inspirational.
If you fill generous and appreciate our work, donate by buying us a coffee. Your contribution means a lot and helps keep our work going – thank you!
Press & Mentions
“On Thursday and it was Erik Larsen talking about a Grant Morrison quote (he was supporting it) and yesterday/early this morning it was Ryan K Lindsay pointing out the site as an interesting resource which it is. Quotes are always fun and interesting because it’s just a nugget of what’s actually said. Because of that it can be reinterpreted in different ways.”
Dustin Cabeal
Comic Bastards
“(…) uma compilação de depoimentos curtos, opiniões e até excertos de letras de músicas, ditos ou escritos por diversas personalidades, sobre as HQs. Os textos, que podem ser lidos em sequência ou escolhidos por autor, revelam a diversidade de pessoas que amam – e outras que odeiam – os quadrinhos e formam um banco de dados de citações que pode servir de material de argumentação e fonte de pesquisa ou, simplesmente, como uma divertida leitura.”
Marcus Ramone
“I enjoyed spending too long hitting the ‘Give Me Another Quote’ button a few dozen times. Try it for yourself…”
Khoi Vinh
“An excellent source of free time destruction.”
J. Caleb Mozzocco
“Quotes on Comics gives you what’s in the name, presented randomly for your diversion.”
Mike Baehr
“Random testimonials such as the above, and other thoughtful quotes from comics practitioners. Proprietor Paulo Patrício hopes to keep expanding it with ever more pithy sayings.”
Heidi MacDonald
The Beat
“This will probably save Dirk Deppey five minutes a day or so when he does ¡Journalista!”
Glenn Hauman
“Quotes from authors, celebrities and artists on comic books, one at a time.”
Ron Nurwisah
National Post
“A growing collection of sound bites, thoughts, quips, and nuggets of wisdom surrounding the medium.”
John Martz
“Nos puede parecer algo irrelevante, pero puede tener su utilidad, como poder disponer en cualquier momento de citas curiosas de todo tipo de personas y personajes célebres para añadir a tu blog si es de temática relacionada con el cómic o simplemente pasar unos minutos leyendo frases de autores conocidos.”
“Todos los días una cita sobre tebeos.”
Álvaro Pons
La Cárcel de Papel
Notes & Acknowledgements
Version 7.0
Online as of February 24, 2024, minor issues were solved, among them, the source under the quote is now visible again. We also improved the “Author Index” page.
Version 6.0
February 19, 2024: we add a serious text encoding problem which we believe was totally solved. Nevertheless, if you find something strange – for example: “I’m” instead of “I’m” – we appreciate that you send us an e-mail.
Version 5.0
Online as of February 10, 2024, slightly redesigned and – finally! – featuring post tags. Note that all posts aren’t yet completely tagged, but definitely will be in the medium term.
Version 4.0
Went live on April 1, 2017, with a new design and featuring post tags (whoa!).
Version 3.1
On July 23, 2013, we reached 1000th quotes, to celebrate that we launched a generative comic using four random quotes out of our database. Several responsive issues were fixed.
Version 3.0
Online as of May 14, 2013, based upon Version 1.0 – i.e. with a “random button”. Right/left key navigation between posts implemented, but most importantly, QuotesOnComics.com it is now responsive.Authors are now listed in alphabetical order. Special thanks to Mr. Fred for all his help.
Version 2.0
Went live on February 21, 2013, adopting a blog-style format, but with random quotes.
Version 1.0
Launched on March 3, 2009, was inspired by QuotesonDesign.com, QuotesOnComics.com was created in WordPress, using a template modified from Blue Kino by Kino, with additional programming by José Carvalho.
Thanks to José Rui, owner of Mundo Fantasma comic book store, for the motivation. Special thanks to those who tested the site version 1.0 before launch and provided useful feedback: Kate Bailey, Marco Riciputi, Roman Cho, Amelia Anthony and Gérard Blanchet.
A very special thanks goes out to Matt Madden for his ongoing support and advice.