When religion overlaps with social and political issues, it’s necessary to fight back, so Charlie is equally hard on Jews including anti-semitic caricatures and quotes when talking about […]
Go to Germany kids. Maybe Budapest if you’re not Jewish. But this is something that I’m remembering from interviewing Al Hirschfeld. He had lived in Paris for a […]
Style is a capitalist invention. It’s a trademark. It’s very useful in the world of commerce to have a good trademark, but it wasn’t my first concern. I […]
Either you remember your dreams and write them down or you make your dreams and see what they were after you’ve drawn and written them.
[…] cartoonists are an especially bunch to work with, in that there’s no money in this. Therefore, all there is is egomania. It’s the currency of the avant-garde.
I figured that museums, libraries, granting institutions, schools and bookstores had to be colonized so that comics might have a place in the late 20th and now early […]
I was reading Marshall McLuhan, and he said that every form, when it is no longer a mass medium, has to become an art or disappear. And that […]
Anything made for the iPad is like performance art. I’m not interested in performance art. Comics are too hard to make to be done for such a passing […]
A good comics artist doesn’t necessarily mean a good drawer. Because comics aren’t really about drawing.
Comics, it comes from graffiti. Kind of just rough marks, we’re pretty close to both cave painting and graffiti.
I’m baffled that people continue to work in that area [superheroes] because they don’t have to anymore. The area has been so strip-mined, so why move there, when […]
Despite the fact that readers might enjoy immersing in a 300 page work – and a marketplace seems to exist for expensive comics with a spine – how […]