The idea of comics as a political tool is not without its controversies, from grumbles amongst novelists to riots over religious icon portrayals. Any fan of superhero comics […]
I’d had the name Lloyd Llewellyn ever since I was a little kid, because in the old Superman comics, as you’ll recall, they had this weird obsession with […]
As much as we stereotype the women, we do it with the guys. The guys are all good looking, not too many ugly superheroes. They’ve all got their […]
In artists’ eagerness to show off superheroines’ breasts, legs, and buttocks, they’ve become duplicitous and dull, utterly failing to think about what costumes might aid their characters in […]
I identify with the Joker to a certain extent–at least the way I write him, which is as this cosmic fool. He’s Batman’s perfect opposite, and because of […]
William Moulton Marston, the guy who created Wonder Woman, was a noted psychiatrist. He’s the guy who invented the polygraph, the lie detector. He was one of those […]
American writers often say they find it difficult to write Superman. They say he’s too powerful; you can’t give him problems. But Superman is a metaphor. For me, […]
She-Hulk was the extension of the male power fantasy. So it’s like if I’m going to be this geek who becomes the Hulk then let’s create a giant […]
The real name for She-Hulk was Slut-Hulk. That was the whole point. Let’s just make this green chick with enormous boobs. And she’s Hulk strong but not Hulk […]
I think every time you take a female character, a black character, a Hispanic character, a gay character, and make that the point of the character, you are […]
If the character can do no wrong and is perfect in every way, he is not a terribly interesting character.
What sets the Marvel movies apart from a lot of the other superhero movies is they start with the comics. They don’t thumb their nose at the source […]
There’s always room for more, there’s always room for further diversity. Whether it’s more Latino characters, or more Black characters, or more LGBT characters – you pretty much […]