The idea of comics as a political tool is not without its controversies, from grumbles amongst novelists to riots over religious icon portrayals. Any fan of superhero comics […]
I’m the sort of person who not only likes to go see a superhero movie, but am also very curious if we ever get close to making those […]
I have nothing against superheroes or anything like that, any genre. I have no real ill feelings about it except for the fact that it dominates people’s minds; […]
Like any medium, comics has its rogues’ gallery of sexist sexist portrayals of women and of relationships between women and men. And it also has some wonderful work […]
As much as we stereotype the women, we do it with the guys. The guys are all good looking, not too many ugly superheroes. They’ve all got their […]
What sets the Marvel movies apart from a lot of the other superhero movies is they start with the comics. They don’t thumb their nose at the source […]
There’s always room for more, there’s always room for further diversity. Whether it’s more Latino characters, or more Black characters, or more LGBT characters – you pretty much […]
Reason #1 to love this 1941 superhero [Mr. America]: His secret identity is a Texan oilman out for revenge against the Nazis. Reason #2: His sidekick’s name was […]
When I was a child, ladies and gentleman, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was a the hero of the comic book. I saw […]