100 million dollars – that’s what they spent on the Watchmen film which nearly didn’t come out because of the lawsuit, that’s what they spent on The League […]
We had one particularly dense Hollywood producer say, ‘You don’t even have to do the book, just stick your name on this idea and I’ll make the film […]
What sets the Marvel movies apart from a lot of the other superhero movies is they start with the comics. They don’t thumb their nose at the source […]
I collected every comic strip that existed, from Mickey Mouse to Superman. The next thing that arrived was rock and roll when I was around 10 or 12 […]
I really think comics are more fun when they play to their strengths, and do the things that movies can’t do, and go to places in the imagination […]
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen film cost 100 million because Sean Connery wanted 17 million of that – and a bigger explosion that the one he’d had in […]